Our leaders

Apostle Michael J. Roberts, Sr. answered the call into the Kingdom of God at an early age and began preaching the gospel while still in his youth. He is a seasoned Pastor with more than two decades of overseeing diverse ministries from Music to Christian Education to Senior Servant Leader of a diverse congregation. He was licensed for ministry in April 1994, ordained as an Elder in April 1997 through the House of God Church of the Living Inc. and ordained and consecrated to the Apostolic ministry in September 2000 through the World Harvest Church Fellowship.
He ministers with passion and is very dynamic and powerful instrument in the hand of God. He has great diligence, devotion and commitment toward building God's kingdom and raising the consciousness in the saints of the Kingdom of God. Asan expository teacher of God's word, he effectively communicates the mind of God to the saints with great emphasis on revelation, impartation and instructions in righteousness.
His vision and allotment in the kingdom is to bring wholeness and healing to the body of Christ by teaching God's people how to stand through the process with relentless perseverance, fervent praise, passionate worship and radical faith knowing that every experience in life is strategic and purposed (by God) to bring the believer to his true identity as a son of God. He's the husband to Prophetess Cynthia P.Roberts, the father of three, Miqueta, Keason and Michael Jr, grandfather of six, Tyrese, Jayden, Naiym, Namiya, Keason Jr, Keasha and Spiritual Father to many.
Apostle Roberts is a well sought after preacher/teacher that ministers with compassion and great emphasis on daily principles for practical Christian living. He co-labors with Prophetess as Senior Pastors of Cathedral of Praise Sanctuary International Church, is Dean of Students at S.H.I.P. Preparatory Academy and is Chief Apostle of Kingdom Covenant Connections International Fellowship (KCCIF)

Prophetess Cynthia P. Roberts is the seventh child in a family of five brothers and three sisters to the late Mr. James "Sonny" and Rev. Mildred A. Pender. She surrendered her life to Jesus on her bedside in June 1990 and began walking this journey. She met and married the love of her life in 1991 while they both served in ministry at National Tabernacle Church of the Living God under Elder Mae F. Chester and they began walking in Christ together fulfilling purpose and destiny. Prophetess Roberts has served in many capacities with no restraints. She's served as a Sunday School Teacher, Local and State Choir Director, Praise Team member, Local and State Evangelist and Pastor's Armor Bearer just to name a few. Prophetess Roberts has stood tall and served faithfully for over sixteen years as the Co-Founder, Co-Pastor and Executive Administrator of what is now known as Cathedral of Praise Sanctuary International Church and is the CEO of Cynthia P. Roberts Ministries Inc. She is the Principal of SHIP Preparatory Academy and takes great pride and delight in ministering to the lives of young people. She's the birth mother to three, grandmother to six and spiritual mother and mentor to many.
Prophetess Roberts affectionately called "Prophet" is an anointed woman of God who walks in a powerful prophetic-evangelical deliverance anointing.
As an Evangelist, this woman of God boldly preaches and teaches the Word of God with uncompromising power and unconditional love emphasizing holiness, godly character and Integrity.
As a Prophetess, she ministers the mind and heart of God while sharing personal testimonies from trial to triumph to affirm God's unfailing ability to move in any situation. The ascension gifts within he life make up a powerful "five-fold ministry of enhancement" as she walks in prophetic revelation and illumination, praise, worship and deliverance as she shepherds the flock of God leading them in victory while developing and maturing the people of God to their predestined places in God.
Prophetess Roberts is widely known for ministering in Revivals, Seminars, Street Ministry, Retreats and Women Conferences all over this world.
She is a "PREACHING MACHINE" and an Eagle Eye Prophet in the Kingdom of God. She also serves as the General Overseer of Kingdom Covenant Connections International Fellowship and was recently installed as the Senior Pastor of "The Cathedral"

This local assembly is built upon a solid foundation, the word of God according to the gospel of Matthew 16:18 "The gates of hell shall not prevail against us."
The scripture used to describe our church is found in 1 John 1:3 "That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his son Jesus Christ."
Our leaders believe in faithfulness, obedience and stability, which they show us by example. Our Apostle served faithfully for more than twenty-five years and our Prophetess served for more than ten years in the House of God, Church of the Living God Inc.
Together Apostle and Prophetess Roberts served faithfully at the National Tabernacle Church of the Living God Headquarters Convention Center under District Presiding Elder Mae F. Chester. This is where Apostle and Prophetess were mentored, developed and released into their life's assignment after much grooming and preparation for their purpose and destiny.
Apostle Roberts served in various capacities including: State and Local Minister of Music, the Pastor's Personal Advisor and Intercessor, Head Trustee, Finance Department, Assistant Sunday School Superintendent and served on the board of the Local Minister's Alliance just to name a few capacities he's faithfully held with no restraints.
Everyone who's come in contact with or ever been around our Pastors for any length of time would always confirm that God had a high call on their lives. Then in April 1997 these faithful servants of God were separated, consecrated and ordained to the Pastorate during the Annual State Assembly under Bishop L. D. Simmons-Ward, Presiding Prelate of the Florida Atlantic Diocese of the Churches of the Living God Inc.
In obedience to the call of God they begin their first Pastoral Ministry assignment in Ft. Pierce, FL in March 1998. They and their children faithfully drove over 125 miles, each way every weekend for one year. Within this year God trained them to be leaders who would mentor, develop, cultivate and mature believers from all walks of life, just as you and I.
Because of their willingness and obedience to follow God wherever he lead them and their pursuit of his perfect will, God then instructed Apostle Roberts to come back to Orlando and establish this ministry, then called Fellowship In Praise Family Worship Center, now known as Cathedral Of Praise Sanctuary International Church.